Transire is inspired by the play Le jeune homme et la mort, a libretto written by Jean Cocteau and choreographed by Roland Petit for the first time in 1946. It tells the story of the suicide of a poor young painter following the break-up with his lover. A contemporary reading of Cocteau’s drama, this revisit is a true dance suite of the work. A kind of poetic and physical metaphor that translates into rupture, failure and grieving that is both minor and deep. These are presented as an opportunity to be seized, to rise up and begin a beneficial transformation.
In his first choreographic work, Mikaël Xystra Montminy offers us a touching duet with interpreter Odile-Amélie Peters in a unique style that combines Wudang kung fu, ballet, breakdance and contemporary dance.
Chorégraphie : Mikaël Xystra Montminy
Chorégraphie des solos d’Odile-Amélie Peters : Mikaël Xystra Montminy, en collaboration avec Odile-Amélie Peters
Interprétation : Odile-Amélie Peters, Mikaël Xystra Montminy
Figurants : Audrée Foucher, Amélie Gagnon, Étienne Lambert, Nelly Paquentin
Conception musicale : Steve Hamel, avec la participation de Richard Breuil, André Lavergne, Mikaël Xystra Montminy, Julie Trudeau, Véronique Turcotte
Scénographie : Mikaël Xystra Montminy, Gilles Pelletier, Luc Vallée
Costumes : Sébastien Dionne
Accessoires et body-painting : Federica Gazzola-Plenert, Mikaël Xystra Montminy
Direction technique et lumières : Luc Vallée
Direction des répétitions : Amélie Gagnon, Sonia Montminy
Photos : Jacques Gaines
Soutien : Première Ovation, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Conseil des arts du Canada, Ville de Québec
Remerciement : La Rotonde, la Maison pour la danse de Québec, Karine Ledoyen, Danse K par K, Federica Gazzola-Plenert, The Orgasmic Forest Tattoos, Sylvie Savoie, Steve Hamel, Sébastien Dionne, Sébastien Hamel, Gilles Pelletier




Compagnie Wu Xing Wu Shi
Wu Xing Wu Shi
La Rotonde presents an annual program of dance performances in Quebec City. It features a wide range of artists who are shaping the artistic landscape. Check out the current program to discover upcoming shows.