Contrasts | Sea Floe | Drifting | Exile
Ten years after the massive success of El12, La Otra Orilla offers a flamenco tale for 4 performers, a dancer, a singer, a pianist and a percussionist, who emerge from the Andalusian heat to settle on a drifting ice floe. A gesture rich in contrasts and dissonances results in a clash of extremes, highlighting the concepts of uprooting and exile. A work that questions the landscapes that live inside everyone, with incredible poetry. To see, and see again, for a change of scenery like no other.
If you had tickets for the 2020 or 2021 performances
This show was originally scheduled for May 26, 2020 and had to be rescheduled to October 26, 2020, June 10, 2021 and February 15, 2022 due to the health situation. It will finally take place on April 5, 2023 at 8 p.m. All tickets for the original performances will automatically be honored for the April 5, 2023 8 p.m. performance, with no action required on your part. If you would prefer a refund, please email billetterie@grandtheatre.qc.ca.
Conception : Myriam Allard, Hedi Graja
Interprétation : Myriam Allard, Olivier Bussières, Hedi Graja, Guillaume Rivard
Scénographie : Hedi Graja
Lumières : Julie Basse
Costumes : Stéphanie Rodrigue
Composition musicale : Arthur Champagne, Oscar Hammerstein II, Gaël Lane-Lépine, Miguel Medina, Richard Rodgers, Domenico Scarlatti (interprété par Gaël Lane-Lépine), Antonio Vivaldi
Direction des répétitions : Hélène Messier, David Rancourt
Direction technique et régie lumières : Joëlle LeBlanc
Régie son : Catherine Sabourin
Soutien : Quai 5160 – Maison de la culture de Verdun, Centre culturel de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce – salle Iro-Valaskakis-Tembeck, Danse Danse, Arsenal art contemporain
Remerciements : Marianne Thériault, Michèle Gagné, Estelle Foisy et Chloé Giroux-Bertrand pour leur contribution aux costumes.







La Otra Orilla
La Rotonde presents an annual program of dance performances in Quebec City. It features a wide range of artists who are shaping the artistic landscape. Check out the current program to discover upcoming shows.