La Rotonde
Louis Combeaud
Louis Combeaud


Louis Combeaud (1984, FR) studied law at the Université Montesquieu – Bordeaux IV. He studied dance at the Coline Compagny in Marseille and later at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. He has worked in Iceland with Vedis Kiartansdöttir, Inga Huld and Simon Portigaln and at Charleroi Danses with Pierre Droulers. He has also performed in pieces by Michel Kéléménis and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. He has been part of WArd/waRD’s company since 2014.

Biography update : 30 October 2018
Photo : WArd/waRD

Previous presentations by La Rotonde

La Rotonde presents an annual program of dance performances in Quebec City. It features a wide range of artists who are shaping the artistic landscape. Check out the current program to discover upcoming artists.