Dany Desjardins began his artistic approach at a very young age through drawing and theater. After studying visual arts in Alma, he completed a dance program in Drummondville and continued his studies at LADMMI in Montreal. Since March 2007, Dany has collaborated with choreographers Catherine Gaudet, Fred Gravel, David Pressault, George Stamos and Kathy Ward. At Théâtre Lachapelle, he presented in February 2018 the piece Sang Bleu, a co-creation with contortionist artist Andréane Leclerc.
Biography update : 20 August 2024
Photo : Ulysse del Drago
Previous presentations by La Rotonde
La Rotonde presents an annual program of dance performances in Quebec City. It features a wide range of artists who are shaping the artistic landscape. Check out the current program to discover upcoming artists.