La Rotonde
Architectures From Silence (Aka Martin Bédard)
Architectures From Silence (Aka Martin Bédard)

Architectures From Silence
(Aka Martin Bédard)

My recent work has primarily focused on audio-digital music, often referred to as electroacoustic or acousmatic music. Taking up Annie Gagnon’s invitation, I am now embarking on a collaborative project where music becomes an element of a greater whole. This paradigm shift and new aesthetic approach allow me to move forward toward a part of myself that was more hidden.

Biography update : 30 August 2024
Photo : Courtoisie

Coming soon

March 6, 7, 2025, 8 p.m.

Élégie II

D’Eux/Annie Gagnon

La Rotonde presents an annual program of dance performances in Quebec City. It features a wide range of artists who are shaping the artistic landscape. Check out the current program to discover upcoming artists.